Polish qualified electronic signature for a foreigner without PESEL number
Do you run a business in Poland? Do you need a qualified signature from a Polish trust service provider? Are you not able to come to Poland? You've come to the right place. Podpisuj Zdalnie is the only one company in Poland offering the possibility to obtain a qualified signature for a foreigner. Without the need to go to a notary. Without unnecessary formalities. 100% online and even within 2h!
SimplySign qualified signature for a Foreigner - online procedure
valid for 1 year - 3200 PLN net | 760 EUR net
valid for 2 years - 3500 PLN net | 830 EUR net
valid for 3 years - 3900 PLN net | 920 EUR net
How to obtain an electronic signature for a foreigner?
Obtaining an electronic signature for a foreigner requires four steps.
- Initial verification of the identity document, researching the client's needs and the possibility of obtaining a signature. After receiving the green light and payment of the invoice, we start the process.
- Completion of an application to obtain a qualified signature by a foreign national with our representative (15 minutes).
- Carrying out identity verification based on a video call with an external consultant, during which you have to verify your phone number, introduce yourself, answer questions about your passport data, show your passport from different angles and sign the contract with an SMS code (approx. 30 minutes).
- Installation of software, activation of mobile application and qualified signature, assignment of PIN and PUK codes for signature, practical training (30-60 minutes)
The entire process is conducted in Polish or English, depending on the client's preference.
Do you need a signature? Contact with us!
+48 536 456 661 | kontakt@podpisujzdalnie.pl
What documents are required to issue a qualified signature for a foreign person?
To obtain an electronic signature, an original document of identity should be prepared. You can choose between an identity card, passport or permanent residence card. We recommend choosing the passport because of its common acceptance in the eKRS and s24 systems. The passport must be valid longer than the qualified signature.
In a situation where a Polish PESEL number has been assigned, it is possible to add it to the signature instead of the passport number - such a signature has no limitations and is as valid as one issued to a Polish citizen. In this case, a scan of the PESEL number certificate issued by the authorities or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is required.
List of necessary things and documents to obtain a qualified signature:
- passport/ID card/permanent residence card - scan to mailbox (needed for report) and original document for video verification of identity
- personal email address - a form and all the key information needed to activate the certificate will be sent to this address
- optional certificate/scan of the PESEL number certificate - only for customers with a Polish PESEL. Otherwise ID number from identity document is used.
We avoid preparing certificates that contain the data of the represented entity - they significantly reduce the functionality of the signature.
Can a qualified signature be without a PESEL number?
Yes, a qualified signature can be without a PESEL number. Additionally, according to the eIDAS regulation, it can be replaced with a passport or ID card number. Before each signature activation, we verify for which purpose the signature is to be used and recommend the best possible solution. In 99 per cent of cases, the best choice is a universal certificate with the passport number for which the company was founded
5 things to pay attention to when getting a signature for a foreigner:
- Integrity of the data between the KRS and those in the certificate - you should carefully verify that the data provided in the certificate application is identical to that provided in the KRS, CRBR or s24. Lack of integrity will result in rejection of the signature in the system.
- Identification number in the certificate - if the signature is to be used for tax matters (taxpayer.gov.pl, CIT declarations), the PESEL number should be included as an identifier.
- Validity of the certificate - if the identity document is to be a passport, a signature should be purchased not longer than the validity of the document.
- Special characters in the certificate - omitting special characters and their spelling will result in rejection of the qualified certificate in the verification process.
- Additional data in the certificate such as the name of the represented entity builds a professional image, but creates problems when signing documents within another entity. We recommend choosing a universal certificate that does not contain company data.
SimplySign qualified signature for a Foreigner - online procedure
valid for 1 year - 3200 PLN net | 760 EUR net
valid for 2 years - 3500 PLN net | 830 EUR net
valid for 3 years - 3900 PLN net | 920 EUR net
Dlaczego warto zlecić podpis elektroniczny dla osoby zagranicznej właśnie nam?
We are one of the few providers to offer a qualified signature for a foreign client in such a short time and without the need to come to Poland. The standard procedure at competing providers involves going to a notary, translating the documents, sending them to Poland and waiting for approval, which sometimes takes up to 3 weeks. With us, this process is reduced to an absolute minimum. The current record is the activation of the certificate in an appointment that took 28 minutes.
In addition to the efficient issuance of qualified signatures in a remote procedure for clients outside Poland:
- we have extensive knowledge of government ICT systems (we know how to sign any document to get it accepted)
- we know how to solve technical problems with signatures that are uncommon for clients from Poland
- before issuing a signature, we advise on how to obtain a signature, we create a plan for the meeting, we adapt to our clients - in our work there are no coincidences, technical errors, delays. Everything we do creates a neat process, despite the involvement of five people.
- we provide professional support after the service has been rendered for the life of the certificate. Our regulations and the operation of our systems are difficult to understand for Poles, let alone for people from abroad who are confronted with our bureaucracy. We answer our customers' questions straight away.
Our service is primarily aimed at companies that need to obtain a qualified signature to do business in Poland and are keen to have a smooth procedure. We hear from our regular customers that by paying the invoice, they are buying peace of mind and a guarantee of success - the customer pays and we take responsibility for the whole process. There is a perception that we are out of cases where the competition is spreading their hands.
We have achieved a high quality of service delivery through our experience in dealing with foreign clients and multinational corporations. We do not just provide a signature, but a solution to a problem for which a qualified signature is needed. Upon request, we can provide references from well-known law firms and corporations.
What is included in the signature service for a Foreigners?
Pre-signature audit and preparation of an action plan
SimplySign qualified certificate for 1,2 or 3 years
Preparation of the contract and confirmation of its compliance with the facts
Identity verification by an external operator
Immediate activation of the qualified signature
Installation of the necessary signature software
Training in the use of the signature and joint signing of the indicated documents
After-sales support throughout the signature validity period
Qualified signature for foreigners - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Q: Does a qualified signature have to contain a Polish PESEL number?
A: No. A passport or ID card number is a substitute for the PESEL number.
Q: What is the procedure for issuing a qualified signature to a foreign client in Poland?
A: The procedure is no different from issuing a standard signature and takes about 30 minutes. Podpisuj Remotalnie offers a service of issuing a qualified signature with travel throughout Poland. Check our points of sale
Q: Does a qualified signature without a PESEL number have any limitations?
A: Yes. The signature will not work with the eDeklaracje application. In the case of other systems (eKRS, s24, etc.) it works flawlessly. The limitations are due to the weaknesses of Polish government systems.
Q: Does Podpisuj Zdalnie support customers with signing official documents?
A: Yes. We have extensive experience in resolving CRBR, eKRS, s24 issues. We guarantee 100% resolution of the problematic case.
Do you need a signature? Write to us!